Part 4
I want to talk about BIG and SMALL people for a moment, however, my reference is not about your size in dimensions. If you are a really big person you won’t or don’t act small. There is a characteristic amongst great people (BIG) that other people (SMALL) don’t know about or live. Big people can argue in a boardroom, fight over a principle and slam the table and then when they are done they can look at each other and say “well Joe, its 12 o clock I think it’s time for lunch.” In a situation like this you look at them and say they have been fighting and swearing and wrestling stuff out and now they’re going to eat? I would be scared to eat that food cause I thought the food would be poisoned. However in life, Big people get paid big bucks to solve big problems.
Small people don’t think like big people. They are always worrying about stuff they can’t fix and they get caught up in every petty problem rather than seeing the big picture. They are the ones who whinge and moan about their salary package and the people they work with. They are always asking for something else despite the fact that they have everything they need to be productive. Their personal and work situations begin to look like this - Everybody brings their problems to them. They wake up tired, they go to bed tired, they were not designed to carry the level of stress they are carrying. They are small people and they get bound and held captive by their negative thinking.
Here is the key to shifting from the place of feeling crushed and being bound by negative thoughts. You need to recognise that you are not designed to be a dumpsite for everyone’s waste. At home and at work you are not designed to be a dumpsite for everyone’s issue. In order to go to the next level and shift you have to start saying to yourself I don’t need that, I don’t need this and I don’t need the other. Simply let go of the toxicity you carry at home and at work. You have gone as far as you can go with the load you are under. It’s time!
Big people don’t let petty problems prevent them from seeing the greater picture of what they’re supposed to do and the person they are bound to be. Bigness pushes its way through small thinking. Bigness overcomes every adversity life is going to throw at it and overcomes it and lets it go. I would encourage you to take some time to consider where your thinking is small and shift your life to being able to take on more and more BIG. Finally and most importantly we all need to be able to let things go. Here it is, GET READY - You can’t hold on to your history and have your hands reached out for your destiny.
I encourage you today to allow your BIGness to push its way through your small thinking and let stuff go.