In this time of new normal, where am I, what is happening….. here are 8 useful techniques for communicating the new business landscape with your team
1. Don’t panic – you can’t lead a team when you’re in panic mode. The other reassuring factor I draw from this is every colleague worldwide is going through what you are right now. We are in this together. Worrying or panic will not expediate your situation.
2. Turn up, face to face, with your team – right now everyone needs to know you are ok and they are ok. Their greatest need at present is your calm reassurance right now. If you are good at interpreting peoples personalities then speak to them in the way they like to be considered and can ‘hear’ you best. For more on this you can read chapter 10 of my new book ‘Belief – The Great Exchange’
3. Be realistic with the challenges facing the business in this season and share information freely. Your planning and information is the lifeblood of your organisation.
4. Help your team see why any change is necessary. During times of change, getting and disseminating information is critical to operating effectively, flexibly, and quickly. The communication process of the change is the most important part. Read your teams faces, get a sense of how they are feeling and share the need for change with sensitivity.
5. Encourage participation within your team. Allow others to make informed decisions, rather than imposing your own. This will increase employee autonomy and empower your team members to do their best work. Give those you may not have entrusted before the opportunity to rise and shine. It is a perfect time to take some of the workload off your shoulders as you may require that energy for something else?
6. Make communication a two-way process. Ensure that when you share direction and your heart for the business that you create spaces to hear everyone also. Talk but also listen, especially to people who are resistant to change.
7. Get into the trenches with frontline employees to better understand the day-to-day issues they face. Your team will appreciate you getting alongside them to further understand how they are thinking and feeling at this time.
8. Give people practice in collaborative work between functions by tackling problems and assigning projects through cross-functional teams. Generally everyone enjoys the process much more when you work together. This is a time for togetherness!